Special:Badtitle/NS90:User talk:PDXsays/Sunny BirthPlace of the wiki photo on front page eats real estate/reply

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Revision as of 12:44, 20 October 2011 by Kotra (talk | contribs) (Reply to Sunny BirthPlace of the wiki photo on front page eats real estate)
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Yeah, I agree it uses too much real estate. I've been wanting to change it to something shorter, but I haven't been able to find any freely licensed, good-quality, Portland-related images that have better dimensions than this one (shorter vertically and wider horizontally). It has to be wide enough to stretch the full 100% width on most displays, otherwise it creates white gaps to the left and right of it. If you know of any shorter/wider pictures that would be awesome. What's the Democracy in Action Portland Style pic? Do you have a link?

If we can't find an image with better dimensions then I guess we could split it up into columns and have the photo just take up half the page like we had before, but I personally don't think that looks as slick... it's a hard balance.

Eventually the whole PortlandWiki skin will be fixed-width so this problem won't exist anymore, but that may be a long way off...