Special:Badtitle/NS90:User talk:WikiMaster/IRC chat 2012-07-20

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Revision as of 20:17, 20 July 2012 by Kotra (talk | contribs) (attempt #2)
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[19:22] <WikiMaster> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ArticleComments

[19:25] <@Kotra> I see that extension page says "This extension does not implement any permission checks other than whether the user or ip address is blocked from making edits."

[19:26] <@Kotra> but I think Bad Behavior might block spam edits like that one, no matter how they are posted. Have you looked into it? They last updated Bad Behavior only a couple weeks ago and I think it could prevent a lot of bots.

[19:27] <@Kotra> it works by detecting if an IP displays bot characteristics before it even views a page, much less edit.

[19:28] <@Kotra> I think I remember we talked about it a long time ago. Maybe we tried it and it didn't work. I don't remember.

[19:30] <@Kotra> anyway, with a robust $wgSpamRegex added, and Bad Behavior installed too, in addition to the anti-spam measures we already have, I think we might be getting close to being able to try opening it up to anonymous editors. I'd like to hear your thoughts about that. I would also like AbuseFilter but if we can't get it to work without throwing error messages, it's probably not worth it. $wgSpamRegex can do a lot of what it does anyway.