Occupy Portland Events

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PLEASE NOTE: Not all events listed originate with Occupy Portland. Events may be attended by Occupiers, or endorsed by the Occupy movement, or they may be simply sponsored by people who share the goals of the Occupy movement. Please refer to each event for specifics, and use the discussion pages to ask questions.

Learn more about the Action Committee and how to help.

Occupy the Holidays Buy Local Click here for details

Stay connected! - Link to Occupy Salem Calendar and Link to Occupy Eugene ~also~ LA Invite

Please feel welcome to send pictures, stories, and story ideas to: portland.occupier@gmail.com. Also, here's the link to the blog: http://www.portlandoccupier.org/




  • Date: Saturday, December 3, 2011
  • Time: 11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Location: Sandbox Studio, 420 NE 9th Ave Portland
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Put the fun into holiday shopping with hand-made, locally-produced gifts, bicycle accessories, jewelry, art, fashion, paper goods, and more at this year’s BikeCraft event.

This year's event will have:

  • Drawings for amazing gifts
  • Filmed by Bike lounge
  • Food, beer, and spirited entertainment
  • Lots of bike and street parking

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Dogcupy Portland


  • Date: Saturdays
  • Time: 11:00am until 2:00pm
  • Location: Bank of America Hawthorne Branch 3757 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR
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We are showing that the Occupation is more than just downtown.

This event is held in solidarity with the Occupy Portland movement.

We will be meeting at the corner of 37th and Hawthorne, and protesting in front of all 3 banks in the immediate area...

Although you are welcome to protest wherever is convenient and oppressive.


This is a creative way to involve all of our friends who still want to participate in the Occupy movement but don't necessarily want to go downtown.

This is a creative and PEACEFUL protest to draw positive media attention to our cause.

Who could talk shit about a bunch of God's most loyal creatures?

We also hope that this kind of event will inspire creativity within the ranks of the Occupiers.

So please join us. I'll bring the dog treats and you guys bring the creative dog signs...

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Hartmann: Money is free speech...how about tents?
So why is it -- going off the decision by the high court in Buckley versus Valeo -- that when political expression is given the "broadest possible protection," money is protected but tents are not? And why is it -- when recognizing the CREATIVE dynamic of free expression -- that again money is protected, but tents are not? The answer is fairly obvious: corporations have a lot of money and not a lot of tents. The ironic thing is that Occupy Wall Street is demonstrating -- in large part -- against these two court cases, against the idea that money is speech. So Supreme Court rulings that big green pieces of fabrics are NOT a form of free speech is just fine, just as long as the court is consistent and rules that the little green pieces of fabric are not speech either. But until that happens -- until the court treats all fabric in the same way -- then Occupy Wall Street needs to keep camping out. The message to the movement is simple: start building your tents out of stitched-together dollar bills.




Join Occupy Portland as we march from the Salmon Springs Fountain to occupy another park!

Why? Because the grievances and injustices within our society have not been redressed. Because we have the right to peacefully assemble on public property to voice those grievances, and we’re not done! Because we stand in solidarity with the Occupy Movement across this entire country that has been pursued, persecuted and brutalized for exercising the very rights our country is supposed to defend! Because it’s about damn time!

Other details
Bring your tents, your sleeping bags, and prepare yourself for a night of non-violent protest while we celebrate the reoccupation of another park with live music and a showing of the film Meltdown: The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse. Bring your own musical instruments, hula hoops, food for the potluck and positive attitudes!

We will be having a Reoccupation Open Forum starting at 2PM at Salmon Springs Fountain at the south end of Waterfront Park. THEN WE MARCH, starting at 3PM, to occupy another park! We have our committees, our working groups, and our experience from the previous occupation. We have a plan, we have sustainability, and we have security culture.

We just need you!

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Swarm the March



At 1:30PM meet to rally and get current with the latest Bike Swarm happenings, swarm rides at 2:00PM.

Other details
See also:

Portland March In Solidarity With Defend The Egyptian Revolution


  • Date: Today at 1:00pm until Sunday at 6:00am


Rise up and march in solidarity with Egypt!


We will gather at the Waterfront on SW Salmon and Naito Parkway at 2:00pm. There may be another march concurrently happening.

There will be an open forum and announcements.

Please prepare signs.

Please bring a candle and a container to hold the wax (such as a dixie cup) which can also help as a wind blocker. There will be a candlelight vigil for those who have been affected by the violent attacks, directly and indirectly, but most importantly, to pay respect and tribute to the renegade fighters passed who were murdered by the junta military force.

The candlelight vigil will begin at 7pm at Pioneer Square. Please bring extras to share, if possible.
Defend the Egyptian Revolution


Urgent Message from Egypt


A Letter of Solidarity from Tahrir Square


International Day of Solidarity


Why Occupy in Solidarity


more information

Foster-Powell/ Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood Assembly


  • Date: Saturday, December 3, 2011
  • Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Location: SEIU Labor Hall, 6401 SE Foster Rd.
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SE Portland Neighborhood Assembly

The Occupy movement has created a moment for energy and activism. This meeting is a way for neighbors in SE Portland to come together to discuss issues in our lives and communities. We will work together as a group to take action on the issues that connect us, local and global. We invite neighborhood association representatives, Occupy activists, and all interested neighbors to join us. At this facilitated meeting, we’ll create proposals and decide on the next steps to draw on the energy of the Occupy movement and move our communities forward.

We welcome brochures and flyers on a wide range of topics for our information table.
Contact the Coordinator

Charles Seaton: aleph.charles@gmail.com (503) 467-8327

Assembly Goals
  • Bring together people in SE, and provide a space for people to tell their stories.
  • To educate people about the Occupy movement.
  • To ask: What can Occupy take on at a local level?
  • To hear and make progress on proposals.
  • And to connect with people from neighborhood associations
At the assembly, we will
  • Meet with neighbors, Occupy members, and people from your neighborhood associations.
  • Tell your story, and listen to other people’s stories.
  • Learn about the Occupy movement.
  • Discuss what Occupy can do in your neighborhood.
  • Listen to and help make plans.
Assembly Structure

Alternating between small group with large groups, report outs to large groups.

  1. (Brief) What is Occupy Pdx, Examples, why it is we are here, what we want to accomplish
  2. Break out groups: hearing our experiences, nhood issues to resolve, identification of topics of action
  3. Large group: Report Out, Identify Shared Areas of interest for next Steps
  4. Small Group with new topics identified by earlier Process
  5. Report out in large Group: Wrap-Up & Next steps
About the convening group

Occupy Portland Grassroots Organizing is an evolving group of individuals working to help build communication, organizing, and interdependence in our local neighborhoods and in the whole 99%, in order to transform the community's needs, concerns, hopes and resilience into locally-based solutions.

Our SE organizing subgroup can be reached or joined at


This event particularly invites folks living in the Foster-Powell and Mt Scott-Arleta neighborhoods (50th to 82nd, Powell to Woodstock) to come out and talk about economic and social issues in their neighborhood, and how collective action and the Occupy Portland movement can work to address those issues. Folks from nearby neighborhoods are also welcome.

Holiday Bazaar at Beaverton's Shilo Inn!!


  • Date: Thursday at 3:00pm until Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 2:00pm


Join us for Shilo Inn's first ever Holiday Bazaar.

Dozens of vendors from the metro area will showcase their handmade clothing items, crafts, high end jewelry, Hat makers, photography, and more!

It's a great way to get a jump start on you Christmas list, while supporting local artisans and local soloprenuers.

Thursday and Friday are our Happy Hour Bazaar. from 3-7pm Come on in, have a cocktail and shop at the same time!!

Saturday and Sunday are 11am-3pm....Join us for Brunch and peruse the tables for that unique item.

This season more than ever it's important to shop local, and proceeds go to the Beaverton Education Foundation!

Come enjoy the spirit of the season at The SW Shilo Inn first ever Holiday Bazaar!!

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Occupier and Non-Occupier Town Hall

  • Date: Saturday, December 3
  • Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
  • Location: First Unitarian Church 1011 Southwest 13th Avenue Portland, OR
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Invitation to Occupy Portland Town Hall

“Is there life after eviction?”

Occupy Portland’s Vision & Strategy Committee invites you and members of your communities to join us for conversation, food, and networking. We want to provide a friendly setting for dialogue, to explore the varied views people have of Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Portland. As more and more camps are being dismantled, many wonder what might be next. We invite campers, supporters, curious bystanders, skeptics—from a wide range of our communities—arts, education, faith, business, services, advocacy groups, labor, government, etc.--to join us to pause and reflect on what we think OWS and OP have accomplished, and where the movement might be headed.

Our hope is to follow this Town Hall with many more open discussions, to sustain the dialogue that has been started and to help shape of the movement’s future.

5:30 PM to 8:00 PM – Food & Beverages will start the evening

Trudy Cooper, Professional Facilitator specializing in Organizational Development, Mediation, Strategic Planning and Diversity Education will lead the large and small group dialogue and one to one informal conversation.

Space is limited, please RSVP by Friday, December 2nd, 2011 to Owen Sanders, Ph. #503.459.6391 or email: owensanders@gmail.com

We look forward to this opportunity to continue the conversation with you and others in our community!

Questions may include:

  • What has worked?
  • What is unique about OWS?
  • What is unique about OP?
  • How will the current displacement of the camp affect OP?

Those in attendance will be occupiers, supporters, and any other interested or curious people who would like to focus on these questions to continue our work, build on our strengths, and include more people from more of Portland.

Free, with the time divided between:

  • facilitated large group discussion
  • small group discussions,
  • one to one informal conversation with food and drink available, and with
  • access to information from various actions and projects now underway.

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Citizens Against the National Defense Authorization Act


  • Date: Sunday, December 4, 2011
  • Time: 10:00am until 4:00pm
  • Location: Portland Waterfront
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Must protect our constitutional rights which are now in jeopardy by an act that would effectively declare the government's war on its people.
We must peaceably assemble and protest against the "Defense Authorization Bill" which will effectively turn our nation into a battlefield.
  • Make your posters and signs to oppose the NDAA.
  • We will gather at the fountain and have an announcement and open forum speaking at the Waterfront on SW Salmon and SW Naito Parkway.
  • 11:00am we will be marching around downtown to protest.
Please join us for this very important event
The ACLU’s Washington legislative office explains

"In support of this harmful bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will 'basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield' and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial 'American citizen or not.' Another supporter, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) also declared that the bill is needed because 'America is part of the battlefield.' "

On Monday, the Senate defeated the Udall amendment to this bill and passed 37-61. If passed as written, it would allow our government and military to arrest ANYONE ANYWHERE, and detain them indefinitely without charges or trial or any form of due process, defense or justice...purely on "suspicion of terrorism."

This bill would effectively strip our right of "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances," our constitutional right.


Call & email your Senators-- RIGHT NOW!

List of U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 112th Congress - 1st Session on Udall


Jeff Merkley (D - OR) Class II
(202) 224-3753

Web Form: www.merkley.senate.gov/contact/

Ron Wyden (D - OR) Class III
(202) 224-5244

Web Form: www.wyden.senate.gov/contact/



National Defense Authorization Bill S.1867


Department of Defense Authorization Bill Article on Huffington


Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto


Previous ACLU Letter of Opposal on 1031 and 1032 of NDAA


Other details
See Also

Occu-Mart: Part of Boycott Black Friday


  • Date: Sunday, December 4, 2011
  • Time: 12:30pm until 3:30pm
  • Location: Walmart 4200 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, Oregon 97266
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Every year, the day after Thanksgiving turns into one of the biggest shopping holidays of the year.

With most of that money being spent in big corporate stores with poor benefits and ethics for their employees.
This year, let's change that.
Walmart is one of the main contributors in the incredibly negative impact on the American economy and we should all start buying LOCAL!

Every year, the day after Thanksgiving turns into one of the biggest shopping holidays of the year.

WalMart is one of the worse culprits of poor employee standards and ethics.

Sunday, December 4, 2011 we are going to enter WalMart.

No chants, no signs. Just enter like you are there to shop.

Then at 12:30p, listen up because there will be a mic-check.

We'll do a MIC CHECK (I'll be happy to do it).

If we can have people through out the store so our message is heard it would be more effective.

In solidarity ♥

Ejiria Walker

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Faciltation Workshop to improve group process!


  • Date: Sunday, December 4, 2011
  • Time: 2:00pm until 6:00pm
  • Location: Laughing Horse Book and Film Collective 12 NE 10th Ave, Portland, OR 97232
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Interested in creating a rockin' group process?
Need some tools and strategies to make meetings more fulfilling?

Come to the *Facilitation Workshop* by FACILITRON -- part of the Rising Tide monthly workshop series -- Sunday, December 4th, 2-6pm Laughing Horse Books, 12 NE 10th Ave.

Snacks provided!

This will be a hands-on, participatory workshop on how to facilitate a good group process. There are too many meetings in the world that are draining, unfocused and disempowering. Bad meeting dynamics are not conducive to inspired collective action -- and inspired collective action is what we want! There are lots of things you can do before, during, and after meetings to help your group process run smoothly, be effective, use time well, and build solid relationships.

In this workshop we will discuss the role of the facilitator, talk about what this role is and what it's not, and share some facilitation tools that can help foster effective, efficient and energizing meetings. We'll be putting facilitation strategies into practice, so come ready to participate! All experience levels welcome.

Invite friends!

FACILITRON is a small group of facilitators participating in a year-long program called Portland Facilitation Lab, an intensive training and practice in group facilitation. Members of FACILITRON are involved in community disaster preparedness, healing arts, media, design, grassroots organizing, direct action and movement-building. Through this training, they hope to share their skills as well as draw from the knowledge of the group

Other details
Facebook Event Page

Holiday Bazaar at Beaverton's Shilo Inn!!


  • Date: Thursday at 3:00pm until Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 2:00pm


Join us for Shilo Inn's first ever Holiday Bazaar.

Dozens of vendors from the metro area will showcase their handmade clothing items, crafts, high end jewelry, Hat makers, photography, and more!

It's a great way to get a jump start on you Christmas list, while supporting local artisans and local soloprenuers.

Thursday and Friday are our Happy Hour Bazaar. from 3-7pm Come on in, have a cocktail and shop at the same time!!

Saturday and Sunday are 11am-3pm....Join us for Brunch and peruse the tables for that unique item.

This season more than ever it's important to shop local, and proceeds go to the Beaverton Education Foundation!

Come enjoy the spirit of the season at The SW Shilo Inn first ever Holiday Bazaar!!

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Spokes Council


  • Date: Sundays - Tuesdays - Fridays
  • Time: 7pm - 10pm
  • Location: Director Park, SW Park and Yamhill
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!

It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.


AC meeting today at 5:30pm PSU Smith Center cafeteria

Neighborhood Assembly Facilitator Training


  • Date: Mon, December 5, 2011
  • Time: 9:30am – 11am
  • Location: Afscme Building on 60th and E Burnside in the library
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In our mission to kick-start some Neighborhood Assemblies so that all our communities can feel better represented in the movement.

Outreach Committee brings to you a Facilitator Training that will be very useful in having well trained participants helping the flow of communication.

All are welcome!

Other details
See Also: Neighborhood Assembly

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Occupy Eugene Community Conversation


  • Date: Monday, December 5, 2011
  • Time: 7:00pm until 9:00pm
  • Location: Harris Hall 125 East 8th Ave , Eugene, OR
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You are warmly invited to an Occupy Eugene community conversation about these questions:

  • How can we use Occupy Eugene as a springboard for community solutions?
  • What do the Occupiers have to teach us about resilience, survival, and developing supportive relationship networks?
  • What is a possible win-win outcome for Occupy Eugene and the city?
  • What needs to happen before the Dec. 15 deadline for extending the exception to the camping ordinance?

We want to include a diversity of perspectives on these questions, especially yours. The first facilitated discussion that Occupy Eugene had with the City Manager and Chief of Police brought out 100% agreement on the goal of win-win solutions. Let's build on that. This conversation will be facilitated by Chip Coker of Community Mediation Services.

If you can't be there in person, it will be streamed live over PeaceDay.tv

We now have a splendid opportunity to bring our citizens' best wisdom forth, and to build a democratic consensus for living together in harmony. Many of us have shared that we hope Eugene will be a role model for our nation. I am very confident that if we do this we will light up the world.

A second community conversation is tentatively scheduled for Monday, December 12, at the same time and place. That conversation may be rescheduled if public comment would be more fruitful at the city council meeting on the same evening. If held, the conversation will focus on the internal strengths and weaknesses of Occupy Eugene, as well as the external opportunities for change and threats to the movement.

OE Community Conversations Committee (soon to be morphed into an existing or new committee) is currently a team of people representing Occupy Eugene, Eugene City of Peace, CALC, Beyond War, WAND, and Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network/Jobs with Justice.

We meet every Tuesday at 3:30 PM in the dome.

Contact person
David Hazen, innercom [at] peak.org, 541-520-6621

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Spokes Council


  • Date: Sundays - Tuesdays - Fridays
  • Time: 7pm - 10pm
  • Location: Director Park, SW Park and Yamhill
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!

It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.

Bikes For Humanity Volunteer Repair Clinics - Tuesdays


  • Date: Every Tuesday
  • Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
  • Location: Community Exchange Bike School, 4038 SE Brooklyn St, Portland
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Bikes For Humanity PDX(B4HPDX) is a community service project aimed at providing the public affordable refurbished bikes, repair classes & workshop space.

They have 100+ donated used bikes & need volunteers to catalog, clean and refurbish the bikes for bike adoption events.

Shop space has been donated for volunteer training and bike repair. Weekly volunteer clinics starting on Tuesday & Saturday.

Other details
For full details see http://www.b4hpdx.org


Peoples’ Assembly Organizing Committee Meeting



See: Occupy Portland Labor Outreach Peoples’ Assembly Organizing Committee

Other details
Occupy Portland's Labor Outreach Committee sub-committee tasked with working on campaign and organizing ideas for a Peoples’ Assembly and Peoples’ Budget.

See Also
Raw notes from previous meeting

Media Response Team Meeting


  • Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011
  • Time: 6:00pm until 9:00pm
  • Location: Lucky Lab 915 se Hawthorne Portland
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Meet others on the team and discuss potential projects for the group to work on.

If you haven't yet, the chapter on Free Speech in Howard Zinn's Declarations of Independence is a highly recommended read. I'm also trying to create a sort of "directory" of skills and interests so that people with a particular project in mind can find someone in the group who can help them. If we can become resources for each other, we'll be able to get a lot more done.

P.S. if you haven't friended me yet, please do so I can send you invites to the meetings.


Also, please check the docs section of our group FB page.


The minutes for the last meeting as well as our first trial project are posted there. If you want to receive minutes and updates from me, please message me your e-mail address and I'll put you on the mailing list.

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Occupy Salem Educational Forum


  • Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011
  • Time: 7pm
  • Location: Salem Public Library 585 Liberty St SE Salem, Oregon
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Occupy Salem Oregon invites all people who consider themselves to be part of the Occupy movement, and all people who are interested in finding out about the movement, to attend an educational forum about where Occupy is heading next.

Brief presentations will cover both the national movement and the plans underway here in Salem. Open discussion will follow.

At the end of the meeting, opportunity will be provided to sign up for various Occupy Salem committees to work on different issues.

The meeting will be held Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Anderson Room of the Salem Public Library.

If you are considering getting involved with Occupy Salem, or are just interested in what’s going on, this is your chance to get a “taste of Occupy.”

Bring your friends and spread the word.

Other details
Facebook Event Page


AC meeting today at 5:30pm PSU Smith Center cafeteria

Kickstarter for Bimblebox: A Documentary about coal in Australia


  • Date: December 8 at 2:00am until December 15 at 2:00am


Haw River Films and the owners of Bimblebox Nature Refuge have teamed up to produce a film aimed at drawing international attention to the issue surrounding the huge expansion of coal and coal seam gas mining in Australia (particularly the expansions planned in Queensland and New South Wales). We need your support to help promote and distribute the completed feature documentary film to a broad audience. We have set up an account with "crowd funding" platform Kickstarter to raise at least $7500 for promotion and distribution of the film.


Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform where anyone can pitch an idea and people who help fund it are rewarded. Essentially we are pre-selling copies of the DVD amongst other rewards to help us fund distribution and promotion of the film.

check it out here: http://kck.st/rTFBO7

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Outreach Weekly Organizer Training



We will run a weekly training after the Outreach meeting.

We will train on many different aspects of grassroots organizing including: canvassing, phone banking, campaign power mapping, running effective meetings, public speaking, Civil Disobedience, etc.

Suggest a topic we can agree on and we WILL find an educator to train us.

Other details

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  • Date: Thursday, December 8
  • Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
  • Location: Q-Center 4115 N Mississippi Avenue Portland, Oregon 97217
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  • Awc Portland
  • City of Portland - Office of Equity and Human Rights
  • African Women’s Coalition & Black Women for Peace
  • PSU – College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societies

The untold story of the everyday women who brought a warring nation to its senses…armed only with the courage of their convictions.


Pray the Devil Back to Hell, a Gene Reticker and Abigail Disney film, stars recent Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee, and chronicles the remarkable story of thousands of Liberian women — ordinary mothers, grandmothers, aunts and daughters, both Christian and Muslim — who came together to pray for peace and then staged a silent protest outside of the Presidential Palace.

Armed only with white T-shirts and the courage of their convictions, they demanded a resolution to the country’s civil war. A story of sacrifice, unity and transcendence, Pray the Devil Back to Hell honors the strength and perseverance of the women of Liberia. Inspiring, uplifting, and most of all motivating, it is a compelling testimony of how grassroots activism can alter the history of nations.

After the film, we will engage in a community dialogue and use it as a space where we seek to understand, find commonalities, and share our experiences. Please join us!

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Labor Outreach Committee Meeting


Manifest Unity!


Agenda Items:

Upcoming D12 Planning Meetings
Thursday (12/8) and Sunday (12/11) at 3536 SE 26th (at Powell).
Orientation at 6:30 pm. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
Please come join us and help make this action happen!
Upcoming D12 Flyering Opportunities

AFL-CIO Human Needs Not Corporate Greed

1:00pm on Saturday, December 10th at Director Park in downtown Portland.
Flyering at the Ports
Morning (6ish) and Evening (4ish) Thursday through Sunday
Contact Jordan, jrdnmcintyre@gmail.com, 503-875-7317
Flyering at the Rose Quarter TC
Thursday 3:30pm-5:30pm
Contact Nick turniptheheat@gmail.com, 503.819.7394
Flyering at Pioneer Square
Thursday & Friday 3:00pm-6pm
Contact Matt, 971 275 4146
Flyering at St.John's this weekend
Contact Larry at portshutdownoutreach@googlegroups.com
Check www.shutdowntheport.com for updates on the action, messaging, media, etc.

Action Details

Please join us on 12/12!
Meet up at 6 AM at Kelley Point Park!

We will rally and then head to the Port together!

It is important to arrive on time. We need to establish a strong presence before the morning shift is scheduled to begin. Kelley Point Park is located in the Saint Johns neighborhood and is accessible via the #16 Bus. If you ride the bus, you will need to walk or bike 0.7 miles from the N. Lombard and Simmons stop. Check trimet.org for details.

There will be a second opportunity to meet up at 4 PM at Kelley Point Park for those who cannot make it in the morning! However, it is crucial that we get as many people as possible for the morning shift!

Please consider biking or driving if you can. Folks with cars are encouraged to offer rides to others. Folks with bikes are encouraged to bike to the Port. We may need cyclists and drivers to travel to different parts of the Port in order to maximize our coverage.

We encourage folks to form affinity groups -- groups of friends who are committed to sticking together during the action. The Flying Squad Committee will coordinate with affinity groups to ensure that we have a presence at all key areas of the Port.

If possible, please e-mail flyingsquadcommittee@riseup.net to register your affinity group. Be prepared to share the name of your affinity group and one person’s contact information (a first name or alibi, phone number, and / or e-mail address is helpful).

Other details
West Coast Ports Shutdown! Coming right up on Monday, December 12th!

Please forward this info to those interested.
See Also

Spokes Council


  • Date: Sundays - Tuesdays - Fridays
  • Time: 7pm - 10pm
  • Location: Director Park, SW Park and Yamhill
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!

It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.


Sisters Of The Road's STREET STORIES Film Festival!


  • Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
  • Time: 12:00pm until 3:00pm
  • Location: Cinema 21 616 NW 21st Ave, Portland, OR 97209
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Sisters Of The Road's EMPOWERED VOICES MEDIA PROJECT proudly presents the 2nd Annual STREET STORIES Film Festival.


This year we will be featuring films shot and produced by:

  • Jason Kersten!
  • Jardima Kroeker!
  • Cameo Schneider!
  • Trillium Shannon!
  • Ibrahim Mubarak!
  • Lisa Fay!
  • Leo Rhodes!
  • Jeannie Lawer!
  • and MORE!
You are invited to join us for this exciting afternoon of quality grassroots short films that explore the personal and political sides of poverty and homelessness.
You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll learn something! You'll be challenged!

You'll be our honored guest on a very special day for the Sisters Of The Road community! Bring your family and friends at no charge to them or you. Of course, donations will be accepted to keep our important work going!

Many thanks to our partners Neighbors:

  • West-Northwest
  • Ambling Bear Distributor
  • Outside In
  • B Media Collective

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  • Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
  • Time: 1:00pm until 4:00pm
  • Location: Washington/Jefferson City Park Eugene, OR
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Mark your calendar


The following message can be found at: http://dec10.takethesquare.net/english/

Call for an Alternative Day of Action on Human Rights Day, Saturday, December 10th, 2011

The success of October 15th has triggered an unprecedented momentum for global action.

Humanity has united across boundaries in a struggle for real democracy and individual rights.

Essential to this struggle is the respect for human life and living conditions, including environments.

Global civil society is being threatened by a system based on power and not on human values. Day after day it represses basic freedoms and consistently favors the greed of the few over the needs of the many. This power finances wars, food and pharmaceutical monopolies, it sponsors dictatorial regimes across the globe, destroying environments, manipulating and censoring information flow and transparency.

Despite our different cultural backgrounds and social contexts, we all suffer the same threats.

Our freedom and dignity are under attack as a result of market dynamics and corrupt government institutions that are turning our local and global societies into increasingly unjust places. The governments of this planet must work for the people, not against them. The time has come to stand up for our rights together and to demand the rights we were promised in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed and approved by most of the world’s governments and the basis for many of our constitutions.

The struggle for our rights as human beings underlies everything we have demanded in every square and every demonstration in this historic year of global change.

There is no better culmination to this year of protest than a global day of action to defend our inalienable human equity from those trying to take it away from us. From East to West, North to South: on the 10th of December we will take to the streets and squares together to demand the fundamental principles that were promised and are inherent to the Human Beings.

We would like to propose the week starting on the 10th of December (10/12 – 17/12) as a time for alternative forms of protest which will be found after a debate between all of us.
The idea is to participate in proposing new forms of action with a creative spirit

We can organize

  • Public forums
  • Workshops
  • Flash-mobs

We can promote the movement at local schools and neighborhoods or get in contact with humanitarian organizations working with the same goals.

This is a call out to any person, assembly or independent humanitarian organization to participate in this creative process: tell us what you are organizing for #December10.

Come inside and participate!

Other details
A more general discussion is going on here: http://www.titanpad.com/humanrights.

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Silent Candle Vigil/Protest with OP


  • Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
  • Time: 4:00pm until 9:00pm
  • Location: Salmon St and Waterfront
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Join Us for Peaceful Change

This is a silent(silent!) Occupy Movement protest/vigil. Largely a spin off/solidary protest with UC Davis students who chose silence to express their concern with what is happening in the world.

We are going to be sitting silently, single file/row, around the starting building and then off as the participants see fit.

If you cannot make it at 4 for starting process, or 5 for the vigil start, show up anyways! bring a candle and sit next to someone new!

We will be announcing the vigil location when we get closer to the date so we can pick an appropriate spot. For now, we are going to meet at 4pm at the waterfront fountain at salmon, to organize, get in the right headspace, and start.

From there we will proceed with lit candles in silence. When we arrive at the location, we will start at the "beginning" and follow the line as it forms, sitting down at the end, in a single-file row. The line will continue to grow until it surrounds the primary building, and then will continue to grow in whichever direction as we see fit.

We will NOT be blocking traffic or blocking sidewalks entirely.

The vigil will last for at least 3-4 hours, at which point we will peacefully disband.

  • Dress Warmly/Bring Blankets
  • Bring candles that are easy to hold, and ideally have some sort of drip block(paper cup, rim, etc), even 500 candles leaves a lot of wax on the sidewalk, and I want to see 5000.
  • Bring extra candles and sit with a little space so that observers and late-comers can join in and have a candle of their own.
  • No signs, except 'join us for peaceful change" or something similar. That is the message for this protest.
  • Come prepared with warm clothes, something to sit on, and a snack. But make it a quiet snack!
  • NO VIOLENCE. Physical or verbal. I don't care if you get taunted, or criticized. let them be the childish ones. If someone asks you what is happening, simply say "Silent protest for peaceful change as part of the Occupy movement" and offer them a candle.

BONUS POINTS: to anyone that can convince someone that has not been a participant at OP or is on the fence to come down and sit with us.

If your focus is big financial accountability, or big government accountability; if it is corruption or greed; if it is college debt or low income housing; whatever it is: Come down and show that whatever you expect to see change for the better, you want it done through peaceful action as best as possible.

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Scrooge of the Year Holiday Party


  • Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
  • Time: 7:00pm until 10:00pm
  • Location: Peace House, 2116 NE 18th Ave.
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Who is ready to party???

Scrooge of the Year Holiday Party. A Celebration with food and drink!

“Scrooge of the Year” is a Jobs with Justice dis-honor, given to the individual or corporation that has done the most harm to working families in our community this year. The winner is decided by the number of votes that are purchased. That’s right—the votes are for sale—we like to call it “corporate-style democracy”. But don't worry; the election will be completely free and fair—for those that pay!

We then present the winner with their award sometime soon after the party.

There are already some great contenders for this coveted award that have been proposed at the JWJ Exec and Steering committee meetings.

Amongst the candidates we have:

  • Georgia Pacific ( Koch brothers)
  • DOSHA Salon
  • The Post Master General
  • Janet Napolitano
  • ICE
Deciding will surely be difficult!

If you have a “strong candidate” we’re still getting nominations for the Scrooge of the Year award. Be sure to include your name, phone #, and a few sentences on why you think your nominee deserves it.

Nominations must be submitted by Monday, December 1st.

Fax or email to Jobs with Justice. fax: 503-239-9441, email: marco@jwjpdx.org

YOU CAN HELP by buying tickets, which are $15 each (and include 15 votes!)

Also, please help spread the word—tell all your friends, get it up on your Facebooks and Twitters, etc.

This is certainly a time to celebrate, but we still have lots of work to do. So let's party, elect the Scrooge of the Year, and raise money for Jobs with Justice!

Thanks! Portland JWJ

Occupy Portland: PCASC presente! House Party


  • Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011
  • Time: 8:00pm until 10:00pm
  • Location: 2431 SE Sherman St. Portland, Or
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Occupy Portland PCASC presente! House Party

Host: Elliott Young, Director of Latin American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Lewis and Clark College

When: Saturday December 10, 2011 at 8pm - 10pm

Where: 2431 SE Sherman St.

What to Expect: Food ★ Wine and Spirits ★ Music ★ Conversation

The Portland Central America Solidarity Committee cordially invites you to a house party to share and celebrate PCASC's contributions to the growing Occupy Portland movement. From solidarity to direct action, PCASC volunteers and friends have spent the past several weeks organizing and mobilizing with thousands of other Portlanders speak out against the economic and social injustices perpetuated by our current economic and political systems.

As PCASC enters another year of radical organizing, we invite you to hear from PCASCers deeply involved in the Occupy Portland movement, including Kari Koch, who was one of the organizers of the N17 Occupy the Banks day of action and has been deeply involved in OP (and was interviewed on CNN the morning of November 13 after the Occupiers successfully held the camp!) We also invite you to share your experiences! PCASC believes that the Occupy movement isn't a fad, it is the beginning of something that can be truly revolutionary. And PCASC and its volunteers and supporters has a role to play in that. Please come to show your support, to share our stories, and to find out how you can get involved, if you aren't already.

Please come with your checkbook, don’t forget to invite your friends!!

Space is limited, please RSVP by email: jen@pcasc.net, phone: 503 236-7916 or through this Facebook event.

PCASC is a non-profit grassroots organization that educates and mobilizes community members, workers and students around struggles for human rights and social justice throughout the Americas.

Ocupemos Portland PCASC presente! Convivio

Anfitrion: Elliott Young, Director de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Estudios Étnicos, Universidad Lewis y Clark

Cuándo: Sábado 10 de diciembre 2011 a las 8 pm - 10 pm

Dónde: 2431 SE Sherman St.

Qué esperar: Alimentos ★ Vinos y Bebidas ★ Música ★ Conversación

El Comité de Solidaridad con en Pueblo de Centroamerica lo invita a una fiesta para compartir y celebrar las contribuciones de PCASC para el creciente movimiento Ocupemos Portland. De la solidaridad a la acción directa, los voluntarios y amigos de PCASC han pasado las últimas semanas organizando y movilizando miles de residentes de Portland hablar en contra de las injusticias económicas y sociales perpetuadas por nuestros actuales sistemas económicos y políticos.

Como PCASC esta entrando un otro año de la organización le invitamos a escuchar de voluntarios y miembros de PCASC profundamente involucrado en el movimiento Ocupemos Portland y les invitamos a compartir tus propias experiencias! También creemos que el movimiento Ocupemos no es una moda, es el comienzo de algo que puede ser verdaderamente revolucionario. Y PCASC y sus voluntarios y colaboradores tiene un papel que desempeñar al respecto. Por favor venga a mostrar su apoyo y para compartir nuestras historias y para averiguar cómo usted puede participar, si no ya estas involucrado.

Por favor, venga con su chequera, no se olvide de invitar a tus amigos!

El espacio es limitado, confirmar su asistencia por correo electrónico: jen@pcasc.net o en el teléfono: 503 236-7916o por Facebook

PCASC es una organización sin fines de lucro de base que educa y moviliza a los miembros de la comunidad, trabajadores y estudiantes en torno a las luchas por los derechos humanos y la justicia social en las Américas.

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, 
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  Bill of Rights

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