Occupy Portland Events

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PLEASE NOTE: Events listed may be endorsed by the Occupy, or sponsored by people who share the goals of the Occupy movement. Please refer to each event for specifics, and use the discussion pages to ask questions.

Learn more about the Action Committee and how to help.

End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil Join us!

Online Ad Campaign More Info


Kickstarter for Bimblebox: A Documentary about coal in Australia


  • Date: December 8 at 2:00am until December 15 at 2:00am


Haw River Films and the owners of Bimblebox Nature Refuge have teamed up to produce a film aimed at drawing international attention to the issue surrounding the huge expansion of coal and coal seam gas mining in Australia (particularly the expansions planned in Queensland and New South Wales). We need your support to help promote and distribute the completed feature documentary film to a broad audience. We have set up an account with "crowd funding" platform Kickstarter to raise at least $7500 for promotion and distribution of the film.


Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform where anyone can pitch an idea and people who help fund it are rewarded. Essentially we are pre-selling copies of the DVD amongst other rewards to help us fund distribution and promotion of the film.

check it out here: http://kck.st/rTFBO7

more information

Occupy Giving! Organizing a Holiday Meal for the Homeless



We would like to call out for people of Occupy Portland and allies to donate food and blankets and anything that can help the homeless. We the people, that were camping in the parks last month, we already know how hard it's to live out there in the cold. So, let's help the homeless people because when they took the camp down most of us we went back to our houses but the homeless are still out there.

The plan is to do it all day probably from 12pm to 6pm.

We also could have like a little posada, it is like a mexican holiday party. We could do it during the whole Christmas holiday season in our streets or neighborhoods. Different families bring their own food and we all share. We also have piñatas, tamales, atole, ponche, pan de dulce etc.

Here is the proposal
Occupy Giving! Organizing a Holiday Meal for the Homeless in collaboration with one or more local nonprofits who serve the Street Community in December. Sisters of the Road Cafe has been suggested as a good organization to co-create this event with. Would be combined with a clothing and blankets drive. Would also have hot coffee and hot chocolate, and would offer food and drink to the police if they showed up.

Your Slice of Occu-Pie


  • Date: Sun, December 11
  • Time: 4pm - 6pm (someone had previously posted all the times incorrectly)
  • Location: The Cleaners 403 SW 10th St, Portland, OR
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Wanna be a champion of the 99% but don't want to pitch a tent?
  • Curious what'll happen next in the land of Occupy and what you can do to help economic justice & government accountability?
  • Enjoy drinks & pie?
Then this BrewHaHa is for you!

March on down to The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel. The Bus Project & the Portland Mercury are hosting a discussion about how 99%ers who aren't camping out can help promote equality.

  • Talk with folks from the City of Portland & Senator Jeff Merkley's office about how to make policy change happen through government.
  • Chat up economic justice organizers on how to get your advocacy on.
  • Get the scoop from reporters on the role of the media in Occupy
  • And get a brainful from some representatives from Occupy Portland on what's next.
FREE PIE from our tasty sponsors Whiffies and Random Order!

All ages & free (there'll be sodas & red bull for the under-21-ers).

Thanks to sponsors The Ace Hotel, Whiffies Pies & Random Order.

Free Movie The Economics of Happiness


  • Date: Sun, December 11
  • Time: 6pm (previously listed as 4, but confirmed at Baghadad website)
  • Location: Bagdad Theater
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A film about globalization and "going local". Important, eye-opening and profound. (Even to the well-informed.)

Other details
Movie Trailer

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Spokes Council


  • Date: Sundays - Tuesdays - Fridays
  • Time: 7pm - 10pm
  • Location: Director Park, SW Park and Yamhill
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!

It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.


AC meeting today at 5:30pm PSU Smith Center cafeteria

West Coast Ports Shutdown


  • Date: Monday, December 12, 2011
  • Time: 6:00am until 7:00pm or later
  • Location: Port of Portland (meet at Kelley Point Park)
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Blockade the Ports
Blockade the Wealth of the 1%
What will happen on Dec 12

We will stage mass mobilizations to march on the ports, create community pickets, and effectively shutdown the hubs of commerce during this peak holiday profitmaking season.


West Coast Port Shutdown! Featuring Boots Riley.
On Monday December 12, 2011 the west coast's Occupy Movement joined in solidarity with rank and file longshore workers to engage in a West Coast Port Shutdown.
Details here.
Why the ports?

The ports represent commerce and capital. This is how the 1% create their immense wealth. It is critical to stop business as usual for the 1%, and to disrupt their ability to make money at the expense of working people. The holiday season has been exploited by the 1% to make money off working people.This is a peak business time for the ports and the wealthiest corporations. Holidays are about family & community not wealth and exploitation. The truck driver union in Los Angeles has called for solidarity as they struggle with the LA ports.We stand in solidarity with them, and all workers fighting for democratic workplaces.

Are the unions calling a strike?

No. In this instance the unions are not able to publicly support this blockade for fear of legal action from the 1%. However, rank and file union members, workers, and the unemployed are all part of the 99% and have consistently shown support for the Occupy Movement. Union members have the right to free speech & assembly and are leading the way for this blockade.

Get involved

Contact us at info@shutdowntheport.com or 503-567-8213

visit: http://www.shutdowntheport.com

Oakland has called for all West Coast ports to be shutdown on December, 12 2011.


In response to coordinated attacks on the occupations and attacks on workers across the nation

Occupy Oakland calls for the blockade and disruption of the economic apparatus of the 1% with a coordinated shutdown of ports on the entire West Coast on December 12th. The 1% has disrupted the lives of longshoremen and port truckers and the workers who create their wealth, just as coordinated nationwide police attacks have turned our cities into battlegrounds in an effort to disrupt our Occupy movement.

We call on each West Coast occupation to organize a mass mobilization to shut down its local port. Our eyes are on the continued union-busting and attacks on organized labor, in particular the rupture of Longshoremen jurisdiction in Longview Washington by the EGT. Already, Occupy Los Angeles has passed a resolution to carry out a port action on the Port Of Los Angeles on December 12th, to shut down SSA terminals, which are owned by Goldman Sachs.

Occupy Oakland expands this call to the entire West Coast, and calls for continuing solidarity with the Longshoremen in Longview Washington in their ongoing struggle against the EGT. The EGT is an international grain exporter led by Bunge LTD, a company constituted of 1% bankers whose practices have ruined the lives of the working class all over the world, from Argentina to the West Coast of the US. During the November 2nd General Strike, tens of thousands shutdown the Port Of Oakland as a warning shot to EGT to stop its attacks on Longview. Since the EGT has disregarded this message, and continues to attack the Longshoremen at Longview, we will now shut down ports along the entire West Coast.

Participating occupations are asked to ensure that during the port shutdowns the local arbitrator rules in favor of longshoremen not crossing community picket lines in order to avoid recriminations against them.

Should there be any retaliation against any workers as a result of their honoring pickets or supporting our port actions, additional solidarity actions should be prepared.

In the event of police repression of any of the mobilizations, shutdown actions may be extended to multiple days.

Other details

Bike to Blockade


  • Date: Monday, Dec 12
  • Time: 2:00pm until 11:00pm


12.12.11 Together we are unstoppable!

Bike to Blockade the Port of Portland

Find a feeder ride near you.

Other details
See Also

Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally


  • Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • Time: 12pm – 2pm
  • Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center

Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.

Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)

We would really love to see you there!

Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil

Sky Lantern / Paper Hot Air Balloon Launch!



Launch balloons into sky!


This event has been canceled due to legal concerns. :(

Other details
Occupy The Sky!

more information


Occupy Protestors Support


  • Date: Tue, December 13
  • Time: 1pm – 2pm
  • Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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There will be an Occupy Protestor's court date on 12/13 at 1:00 PM at the Justice Center.

If you can come out and show support that would be great!

Liberation from Domination Culture - Workshop and Practice Group in Compassionate Communication



These are 8 week workshops and groups in Compassionate Communication that meet weekly, and repeat every 8 weeks. To meet needs for learning, aliveness, continuity, safety and trust, the groups close when we have sufficient enrollment, or after being open for two weeks. For more details, or if you would like to attend, please email Upgeya (spirit[at]lovebeing[dot]org), so that I can better handle logistics for the class and have materials available for you.

[please note: a computer glitch recently lost me quite a few e-mails from my address book. If you have inquired about these groups in the last year and have not received an e-mail from me recently, please send me another request to be on my address list, at the address noted just above - Upgeya]

Other details

We now have three groups:

  • Tuesdays, 1pm – 3:30pm
  • Thursdays, 6:30pm – 9pm
  • Saturdays, 3pm – 5:30pm (women only)

——————————– Advanced Group

  • Date: January 8, 2013 – February 26, 2013
  • Time: Tuesdays, 1-3:30pm
  • Place: St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1131 SE Oak St., Portland
  • Room: Hawthorne Room (entrance off of South side of building, adjacent to Oak St.)
  • Facilitator: Upgeya Pew

——————————– Evening Group

  • Date: January 10, 2013 – February 28, 2013
  • Time: Thursdays, 6:30pm-9pm
  • Place: Maple Mallory Housing Community, 3800 NE Mallory Ave., Portland, OR (bus #6, #33)
  • Room: The multipurpose room adjacent to offices & playground
  • Facilitator: Upgeya Pew

——————————– Women’s Group

  • Date: January 12, 2013 – March 2, 2013
  • Time: Saturdays, 3-5:30pm
  • Place: St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1131 SE Oak St., Portland
  • Room: Hawthorne Room (entrance off of North side of building, from inner courtyard)
  • Facilitator: Upgeya Pew


To meet needs for learning, aliveness, continuity, safety and trust, the groups close when we have sufficient enrollment, or after being open for two weeks. For more details, or if you would like to attend, please email Upgeya (spirit[at]lovebeing[dot]org), so that I can better handle logistics for the class and have materials available for you.

Compassionate Communication (aka Nonviolent Communication or NVC) is based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg and the Center for Nonviolent Communication (www.cnvc.org).

The human soul hungers for the deep nourishment of understanding, connection and self-expression. And yet, most of us have been trained from birth to compare, judge, diagnose, lie, abdicate responsibility, blame, compete, control and demand. The domination system has outposts in our heads. Thinking and communicating in the above way is costly and ineffective, as it alienates us from our natural compassion and each other; conditions us into a subtle self-hatred that pervades our culture; has us deny our needs and our power to serve life; re-enforces our powerlessness and victimization; and often leads to misunderstanding, unnecessary conflict, and violence.

Why have we been trained in this way? Because the domination system works when people are kept ignorant, disconnected from our power, divided, at each others throats – compliant producer/consumer debt slaves in times of peace, and obedient cannon fodder in times of war.

Compassionate Communication (NVC) offers an alternative. One in which we can transform the judgment and criticism, the negative self talk, the denial of responsibility, and the attitude of demand that keeps us powerless and separate from yummy connection with others. An alternative in which we can:

♥ Heal the trauma and pain that keeps us stuck
♥ Develop more perspective on what triggers us emotionally, improving skills for responding rather than reacting when in conflict, using conflict to get closer to people
♥ Clarify what’s underneath our negative self-talk, helping us transform it into self-love
♥ Tell our truth in a way that is both compassionate and honest
♥ Increase our ability to build relationships based on compassion and mutual understanding
♥ Reclaim our power to be fully alive and responsible
♥ Create a world where we care for and respect one another, celebrating our differences
♥ Own the beautiful and sacred life energy that animates us.

NVC guides us in reframing how we hear others, how we express ourselves, and how we connect with ourselves. Instead of habitual, automatic reactions, our thinking, listening and speaking becomes firmly based in an awareness of what we are perceiving, feeling, needing and wanting. Using NVC, we focus the light of consciousness in these 4 areas to transform our judgment into compassion, discern our real responsibilities, reveal our humanity, connect our hearts, and celebrate our aliveness.

When this work is taken on sincerely and diligently, it can help us remember the “subtle, sneaky, important reason” we were born a human being – the unique gift to life that each of us is. It can help us connect with the divine energy that is our source. Powerful people can’t be bossed around. We don’t give away our power through compliance.

About me (Upgeya Pew): Having encountered the invisible repression of my own conditioning, and the nature of the culture doing that conditioning, during my involvement with the social movements of the 60’s, I’ve spent the last 40 years learning and freeing myself, and developing my capacity for understanding, awareness and love.

The last decade or so of those years I’ve been learning and teaching Compassionate Communication (NVC), because it’s fun – and the most powerful process I’ve discovered for transforming what I call “domination culture” into “partnership culture”. I’ve attended two 10-day residential intensives in NVC by the Center for Nonviolent Communication and Marshall Rosenberg, the developer of NVC, as well as many other workshops and trainings. My most powerful learning, however, has come by doing – by facilitating NVC trainings and practice groups for the last 10 or so years.

My passion is in creating partnership culture through transformation in consciousness.

Liam: "I recommend this workshop for anyone that plans on speaking with anyone else in the future. Really Good Stuff!"

For more details, email: spirit [at] lovebeing [dot] org

more information

Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally


  • Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • Time: 12pm – 2pm
  • Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center

Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.

Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)

We would really love to see you there!

Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil

Mental Health Advocates Meet!


  • Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2011
  • Time: 6:30pm until 9:30pm
  • Location: 147 NW 19th Avenue Portland, Or
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We've asked local leaders to speak out and answer questions about how mental illness affects our community - from a political perspective.
  • Amanda Fritz - Portland City Commissioner
  • Jeff Cogen - Multnomah County Chair
  • More to come...
Activated, informed political leadership is essential for the welfare of persons with a diagnosis of mental illness.

This event is sponsored by
  • Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare
  • Central City Concern
  • Disability Rights Oregon
  • Empowerment Initiatives
  • Eyes & Ears
  • Home Forward
  • Lifeworks NW
  • Luke-Dorf
  • The Lund Report
  • Mental Health Association of Portland
  • Portland Hearing Voices
  • Multnomah County Crisis Line
  • Telecare
  • Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
  • The Skanner News
  • Street Roots

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Spokes Council


  • Date: Sundays - Tuesdays - Fridays
  • Time: 7pm - 10pm
  • Location: Director Park, SW Park and Yamhill
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!

It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.

Bikes For Humanity Volunteer Repair Clinics - Tuesdays


  • Date: Every Tuesday
  • Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
  • Location: Community Exchange Bike School, 4038 SE Brooklyn St, Portland
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Bikes For Humanity PDX(B4HPDX) is a community service project aimed at providing the public affordable refurbished bikes, repair classes & workshop space.

They have 100+ donated used bikes & need volunteers to catalog, clean and refurbish the bikes for bike adoption events.

Shop space has been donated for volunteer training and bike repair. Weekly volunteer clinics starting on Tuesday & Saturday.

Other details
For full details see http://www.b4hpdx.org


Chapman & Lownsdale Squares, Leaf Raking!



You must RSVP though as leaves are limited Please RSVP to me so we can plan appropriately.

Steven Pixley PP&R Volunteer Services 503-823-5121 steve.pixley@portlandoregon.gov

Key here is that volunteers contact me for shift assignment so we can have enough tools and staff on hand to make use of the volunteers.

Other details
I know your interested in clearing Chapman & Lownsdale Squares. We missed a week of good weather, but on the plus side, the trees are about bare and we'll be ready to reseed shortly after we get the leaves up. Join PP&R staff and friends refreshing two of Portland’s oldest parks. All tools will be provided so we can rake up the leaves in preparation for reseeding. Dress for the weather and expect wet, muddy conditions. (Imagine that!) Volunteers can work two hours, four hours or all day. You must RSVP though as leaves are limited. All ages are welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult.

To RSVP or for questions, contact Steve at 503-823-5121 or steve.pixley@portlandoregon.gov Thanks for your interest in helping. I look forward to working with you.


Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally


  • Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • Time: 12pm – 2pm
  • Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center

Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.

Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)

We would really love to see you there!

Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil


AC meeting today at 5:30pm PSU Smith Center cafeteria

Standing Up to PUBLIC INTEREST union busting. (+ Food Drive)


  • Date: Thursday, December 15, 2011
  • Time: 12:00pm until 5:30pm
  • Location: OSPIRG office 1536 SE 11th Ave, Portland, Oregon
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On Thursday the 15th, come support the people that have been working in some cases their whole adult lives to guarantee a better life and better environment for all of us. There will be the singing of the new Christmas Carols, there will be signs and good times.

Our two demands are simple
  1. . Hire back Kristopher Humbird.
  2. . Give us the information that was promised in order for the Unions to move forward in negotiations.
Please invite your friends, their friends, and bring your voice.

The Fund for Public Interest, the parent company of Environment Oregon and OSPIRG, considered by many to be "progressive" organizations has a history of treating employees as disposable assets.

People that have devoted their working lives to progressive causes have been disrupted, discouraged and devalued as human beings. This has happened in spite of the fact that the groups under the Fund for Public Interest Research umbrella like OSPIRG and Environment Oregon fight for progressive causes like financial reform and clean air and water.

Let's make sure "progressive" applies to the all the workers it the organization.

When the Los Angeles Telephone Outreach Project and canvass worked to organize seven years ago, the Fund broke that union without a tear shed.

But then, in 2011, the Portland Telephone Outreach Project stepped up and worked to unionize their office. They won the vote 19-5 and that's when the second attempt by the Fund to break the spirits of their workers began.

The Fund is being naughty. They have not given us the information that was promised during contract negotiations, and they have began to fire those that stuck their neck out in order to form the union. This should not be accepted.

It is a food drive as well for all the union people that are out of work. So bring some non-perishable food with you. We would love to see you there.

If you have an idea or resources to contribute, or questions, let us know at velvetalove@gmail.com or fragle1207@gmail.com

more information

Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally


  • Date: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • Time: 12pm – 2pm
  • Location: Justice Center, 1120 SW 3rd ave Portland, OR
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Peaceable Protesters Court Date Rally Justice Center

Come down to the Justice Center and support those who've put their bodies on the line to protect our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble to address the grievances of the 99%.

Bring signs in support of the First Amendment. (Everyone's right to peaceably assemble)

We would really love to see you there!

Other details
See also: End the Camping Ban! 24/7 Daily Vigil

Outreach Weekly Organizer Training



We will run a weekly training after the Outreach meeting.

We will train on many different aspects of grassroots organizing including: canvassing, phone banking, campaign power mapping, running effective meetings, public speaking, Civil Disobedience, etc.

Suggest a topic we can agree on and we WILL find an educator to train us.

Other details

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The BIGGEST Occupation Ever!


  • Date: Fri, December 16, 12am – Sat, December 17, 12am
  • Location: SALMON ST. FOUNTAIN SW Salmon & Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97205-2454
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12 NOON The BIGGEST Occupation Ever!

FLASH MOB Brought to you by the "Occupy Everywhere" Campaign.

Never underestimate what it means to occupy, because sometimes good things come in small packages.

e-mail contact: occupyeverywherepdx@gmail.com

Spokes Council


  • Date: Sundays - Tuesdays - Fridays
  • Time: 7pm - 10pm
  • Location: Director Park, SW Park and Yamhill
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND!

It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.


Occupy Mega March and Rally -- Immigrants' Rights are Workers' Rights!


  • Date: Saturday, December 17, 2011
  • Time: 10:00am until 1:00pm
  • Location: South Park Blocks, SW Park and Salmon
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D17- Somos el 99%

An Occupy endorsed event that aims to remove the legal and ethnic divisions that the 1% use to divide and conquer the 99%. We blame the recession on those who caused it, the most wealthy 1%.

Coinciding with the International Day of the Migrant, immigrants and allies will take to the streets in a permitted, family-friendly rally and march. This will be an opportunity to join with the Occupy movement, and send a strong message against the racist laws, policies and institutions that are systematically targeting immigrant communities, such as Secure Communities, E-verify, wage theft, free trade agreements and increased detentions and deportations.

We reject the scapegoating of immigrants in the same way we refuse to blame Muslims, the poor, public sector workers, women, and other victims of this recession.

The 1% want immigrants to have zero rights so that they are easily exploitable and can be paid slave wages, thus lowering the wages of all working people.

We demand
FULL RIGHTS FOR IMMIGRANTS. including the right to join unions
END DEPORTATIONS. Stop separating families and ruining lives!

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PDX Occupy Benefit Concert


  • Date: Saturday, December 17, 2011
  • Time: 7:30pm - 2:00am
  • Location: BRANX - 320 SE 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 97214
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A Punk/Metal day of solidarity and awareness benefit concert for the Occupy Movement.

This show is not a protest, just a benefit for the cause.

The date is Saturday Dec. 17th. Bands, guest speakers, info, etc. to raise awareness and funds for our local chapters of OCCUPY.

Donate a can of food, get a $1.00 off, all proceeds go to the local OCCUPY chapter.

@ BRANX - 320 SE 2nd Ave. Portland, OR 97214 - ALL AGES - $7.00

Looking for local businesses to sponsor this event to help covering the cost of the venue.

Venue Rental = estimated $600.00 Every dollar is fully appreciated.

We are looking for guest speakers and sponsors. 
Volunteers are also needed and welcome to help coordinate the event. 
If you have the time and want to help, let us know!

A Punk/Metal day of solidarity and awareness benefit concert for the Occupy Movement.

This show is not a protest, just a benefit for the cause.

Bands, guest speakers, info, etc to raise awareness and funds for our local chapters of OCCUPY.

more information

"How We Won Health Care for All" - Vermont Workers Center speaks


  • Date: Saturday, December 17, 2011
  • Time: 1:00pm until 4:00pm
  • Location: Portland Community College, Cascade Campus, Moriarty Arts & Humanities Auditorium, 705 N. Killingsworth, Portland, OR
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Vermont's new Universal Health Care System presentation.

Last June, Vermont signed into law a plan to create a statewide, universal health care system. Now the spirit of Vermont is coming to Oregon! Come hear from Kate Kanelstein and Sarah Weintraub, two organizers with the Vermont Workers Center, whose three-year campaign convinced the Vermont legislature to declare health care is a human right. After their presentation, break-out groups will give local folks the chance to take part in the campaign for universal health care in Oregon.

$10 Suggested donation – no one turned away


Co-sponsored by:

  • Oregon Single Payer Campaign
  • Center for Intercultural Organizing
  • KBOO Community Radio
  • Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon.

Other details
Info: (503) 236-5573, ext. 2, www.jwjpdx.org

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Occupy Santarchy!


Check out the songs!
  • Date: Saturday, December 17, 2011
  • Time: 12:00pm until 2:00pm
  • Location: Sw 1st & Ankeny: @ The Arches/Collumms right across from the Skidmore Fountain
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Calling all Santas!

We ask you take an hour out of your bad santa day and help deliver coal to the naughtiest of them all!

We will meet just across the street from the Skidmore fountain, where all the other Santas are gathering.

Look for the Occupy Santarchy Sign.

You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout I am telling you why, Occupy is coming to town!

We've got our list and we're checking it twice...and we know whose been naughty or nice!

Come in your santa gear or your most festive wear, and bring bells! Bring something warm to drink as we take our list and go around town, sing carols, and deliver coal to all those on naughty list.

This event is intended to be light hearted, but politically motivated.

After we're done you can catch up with the rest of santas for santacon.

Other details
Check out the songs!

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West Occupy Portland Meeting



Next Week and Beyond


Hark the 99%ers Sing!


  • Date: Sunday, December 18, 2011
  • Time: 11:00am until 2:00pm
  • Location: Meet up at Gateway Transit Center
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Come out and sing with us on the afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 18th while we serenade holiday shoppers!

"Jingle bills. Jingle coins.
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to shop,
while freedom slips away -

We will be gathering at Gateway Transit Center (serves Max Blue, Red and Green lines) at 11:00 am.

We will get our singing voices tuned up singing to Max passengers, and then we will hop the train at around noon and go to the Lloyd Center stop where we will sing some more!

We may stop at other Max stops along the way and may sing on the train as well!


We will be passing ourselves off as ordinary carolers. DO wear festive clothing, Santa hats, etc!

We would like to get together sometime during the week of the 11th to practice. Suggestions for a time and a place may be posted below.

Please feel free to share this event with people you know!

more information

These events are more than seven days away, please jump to each event's page for more info.

Past Events

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, 
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  Bill of Rights

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