Occupy Portland Events

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PLEASE NOTE: Not all events listed originate with Occupy Portland. Events may be attended by Occupiers, or endorsed by the Occupy movement, or they may be simply sponsored by people who share the goals of the Occupy movement. Please refer to each event for specifics, and use the discussion pages to ask questions.


The city officials have begun to try to strip us of our rights to peaceful assembly. As such, we will have to re-evaluate the depth of information that is given online ahead of the planned events. We will update as soon as a decision is made on a course of action.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Spokes Council


  • Date: Friday, November 18
  • Time: 7pm – 10pm
  • Location: First Congregational Church (1126 SW Park Ave)
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Please spread the word through committee/caucus list servs and also ATTEND! It is especially important to become involved with the the spokes council meetings and other meetings where actions are decided on! This will be a great chance to voice your ideas, to re-group as committees, assess, and plan for moving forward.

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  • Date: November 19th 2011
  • Time: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
  • Location: Ron Russell Middle School 3955 SE 112th Avenue
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Sponsor City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability 25TH ANNUAL FIX-IT FAIR SEASON

Fix-It Fair is FREE - GRATIS

The City of Portland’s 25th annual Fix-It Fair season will kick off in November. Fix-It Fairs are free events where you can learn simple and effective ways to save money at home this winter and stay healthy. The events feature exhibits from numerous community partners and an extensive schedule of workshops held throughout the day. Experts will be available to talk with you about water and energy savings, home and personal health, food and nutrition, community resources, recycling and yard care, lead testing, bike tune-ups and more!

Special workshops taught in Spanish are offered at the Ron Russell Fair. Free professional childcare and lunch is provided at all Fairs.

Day long exhibits and hourly workshops provide information and resources for:

• water & energy savings,

• home & personal health,

• food & nutrition,

• community resources,

• recycling & yard care,

• lead blood testing

• much more!

To find out more information about scheduled workshops, visit Portland Online

To receive information and reminders on upcoming fairs, e-mail fixitfair@portlandoregon.gov.

The Fix-It Fairs are presented by the City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability with support from the following sponsors: Energy Trust of Oregon, Legacy Health Systems, Pacific Power, Portland Housing Bureau and Portland General Electric.

Questions? 503-823-4309

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March for Universal Health Care


  • Date: Saturday, November 19, 2011
  • Time: 12:00 rally; 1:00 march
  • Location: Waterfront Park - the fountain @ Naito and Salmon
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Rally and March to Take Wall Street Out of Health Care

More than 50 million Americans (1 in 6) do not have health insurance and almost as many are underinsured. Despite spending much more private and public money on health care than any other people in the world, the majority of people in the US are either uninsured or underinsured, without sufficient insurance to meet a medical emergency. We are the only country in the world in which medical bills are the reason for the majority of bankruptcies.

Occupy Portland, along with many other organizations and other Occupy groups, will join in the "Universal Single Payer Healthcare March." The rally will meet at noon at Naito and SW Salmon, march past the Saturday Market and Pioneer Square, and end by placing 558 crosses in Waterfront Park in memory of the estimated 558 people who die in Oregon every year because of lack of health care.

With our signs lifted and messages shouted from the many Occupy groups plus thousands of people of different ages and backgrounds from civic groups, unions, grassroots organizations, and many more. We will be pushing for universal health care. JOIN US IN THIS FIGHT!!

New Facebook group: Single Payer Healthcare PDX

Facebook event RSVP--invite your friends!

Oregon Single Payer Coalition

Other details
Universal access to a single system of health care is not a new struggle but has definitely been a long one! Such a national system would include allowing patients to choose their hospitals and doctors, taking these decisions back from insurance companies.

American health insurance is a mess with deductibles that are so high for a number of people that they make health insurance unaffordable, particularly when it comes to regular checkups and preventative treatment. Both of which would greatly minimize emergency room visits for those without healthcare, as well as reduce the crowding and long waits there.

Critics say a move toward a government-backed national health program is a move closer to socialized medicine, similar to what many European countries have. We say Americans should all care about those who don't have health care, or those who don't have enough. Health care reform is a complicated, massive undertaking that has a lot of people offering different ideas on what will work, and what won't. But everyone can agree that some action is needed. It's something so basic, and we should all have it - but we don't.

The Portland Jobs with Justice Health Care Committee are also working to organize a deeper statewide network & movement, with an expanded coalition to be launched in January, and a tour in December of some folks from the Vermont Workers' Center. The VWC people will be doing events about how grassroots organizing around "health care is a human right" contributed to Vermont creating the first law with a clear path to a state-level universal publicly funded single payer health care system. (It is truly universal, including everyone living in the state regardless of citizenship).

It's always a fight when you're fighting for something that is right - especially for young people, older people, and people still in the work force as well as the many unemployed workers that are unable to find work in today's economy.

On the right there are congressional Republicans, allied with and supported by the pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, as well as numerous other health-related agencies, which are bound and determined to defeat any attempt to bring universal health care to America.

There are more than 50 million Americans without health insurance, and this number may have increased dramatically with recent massive layoffs.

"Know also that among 36 nations that provide health care for all their citizens, there are similar layoffs, but losing your job in those countries does not affect your health coverage. Despite the fact that we spend twice as much as these other countries for our health care, we get significantly less for the money. It’s time for America to move to universal health care. It’s the sensible thing to do." Quote from 2009 article regarding this same issue.

2009 Universal Health Care March Back to DC Medicare For All Activist and Documentary Filmmaker, Sheila Dvorak, tells her story of joining a movement and fighting for the rights of every American. What began as a one woman protest in D.C., September 2009, will culminate in a 3000 mile March on Washington, in July 2010. Uploaded on Martin Luther King Day, let his spirit inspire you to join the Universal Health Care March today!

Members of Jobs with Justice, Mad as Hell Doctors, Nurses for Single Payer Health Care, Students for National Health Care, HealthCare Now, the Oregon Single Payer Coalition and Physicians for a National Health Program will join Occupy protestors Saturday.

All of them are familiar with the needless deaths and human suffering caused by our for-profit health care system, and all point to a Single Payer health care system as the one one route that will guarantee good and affordable health care for everyone.

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Dogcupy Portland 11 19 11

  • Date: November 19, 2011
  • Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
  • Location: Bank of America 6512 SE Milwaukie Portland, OR (Sellwood area)
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We are showing that the Occupation is more than just downtown. This event is held in solidarity with the Occupy Portland movement.

We will be meeting at the corner of 13th and Tacoma, and protesting in front of the Bank of America... although you are welcome to protest wherever is convenient and oppressive.


This is a creative way to involve all of our friends who still want to participate in the Occupy movement but don't necessarily want to go downtown.

This is a creative and PEACEFUL protest to draw positive media attention to our cause.

We also hope that this kind of event will inspire creativity within the ranks of the Occupiers. So please join us. I'll bring the dog treats and you guys bring the creative dog signs...

[Facebook Event more information]

Occupy Colonel Summers Park

  • Date: Saturday, November 19
  • Time: 5pm - 12am
  • Location: Colonel Summers Park, SE 17th Ave & Taylor St
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Come out and occupy close to home.
More details to come

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Full Consensus Decision Making-Workshop



Bringing together the wisdom of the group for the best possible decisions--it's a nice ideal, but how do groups do it effectively? This workshop will offer a coherent approach to full consensus, including the official structures (agreement, standing aside, blocking), the principles underlying them, and what it really takes to make them work. Presentation will be mixed with highly interactive exercises and practice.

Other details
; Lunch

Brown bag, please bring your own lunch.
Please register ahead as space is limited. Contact Michelle Lasley at michelle [at] michellelasley.com or 503-901-0605.
Tree Bressen consults with a wide variety of organizations on how to have meetings that are lively, productive, and connecting. Intentional communities--groups whose members have to deal with each other every day--have provided her with a living crucible for learning and refining these skills. Tree's work is founded on a desire to help groups put their ideals into action. She is a co-creator of Group Works: A Pattern Language for Bringing Life to Meetings and Other Gatherings. Her workshops are highly interactive and have consistently received enthusiastic reviews for being lively, practical, and informative. She is currently inspired by process learnings arising from the Occupy movement. Tree's website TreeGroup.info offers extensive free articles and resources.
Tree's work is offered on a gift economy basis. She asks participants to pay an amount that feels good and right and fair to you, that you can afford, and that you can give joyfully. Cash and checks accepted on site.
Sponsored by North Portland Food Buying Club

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99% Christmas Carol rewrite



Let's get together and brainstorm some new Christmas carols to sing for the public!

Maybe we can take some of these songs and do a caroling march around the Pioneer Courthouse during the tree lighting ceremony on the 25th. There'll be 10,000 people there.

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Meet The Occupation: March, Rally, and Meet 'n' Greet



Following all the N17 excitement, we have a variety of peaceful, family-oriented Community Gathering events coming up.

3PM Rally begins at Ankeny Plaza, Naito Parkway underneath the Burnside Bridge

3:45PM March begins This march is a march of solidarity with the message of occupy. This is meant to be a fun, inclusive, community march focused on the message of inequality and the solidarity of sticking together with that message.

Every citizen of Portland who opposed the eviction of Occupy Portland is asked to come march in solidarity in protest.

5PM March ends, speakers begin

A few speakers from Occupy Portland will give brief speeches to the community about what we've been doing and what we plan on doing.

Come and "Meet the Occupation" at the end of the March.

Look for us at 5:30 PM at Salmon Street Springs on the Waterfront.

5:30PM to 7PM Meet N Greet While enjoying music provided by the community, meet all of Occupy Portland's committees, working groups, and affinity groups, to learn what they do, how to get involved, and what they've done so far.

Also, enjoy live local music, meet members from all of Occupy Portland's committees, working groups, and affinity groups face-to-face, to learn what they do and how the various groups operate.

If you've been wondering how to get connected or involved, you won't want to miss this event. We invite new faces and ideas, and we need you in order to succeed!

7PM Occupy Your Block

Return to your neighborhood and exchange ideas with your neighbors and community about Occupy Portland; if you feel that your community could accomplish something, form groups to do it, and work with each other to start making the better world you want!

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Occupy Your Block Day



In solidarity with the shut down of the physical occupation, we're calling for a day of community action.

What is Occupy Your Block?

On Sunday, November 20th, one week after the police action against Occupy Portland, neighborhoods around Portland will take their own streets with block parties. Or if not block parties, potlucks. Or if not potlucks, a brief meet and greet. This isn’t just one day, and it isn’t just about blocking off your street. It’s about human connection and being stronger together than we are alone. So occupy your neighborhood to join the conversation and organize your community toward participating in a new direction for the Occupy movement.

How You Can Help
  1. Download the Occupy Your Block Toolkit and start talking with your neighbors
  2. Download and Print (as double sided!) our Occupy Your Block Foldy Comic with flyer and publicize your event!
  3. If you can’t host an event, talk to your friends and neighbors to see if they can.
  4. If you can’t take part this Sunday, consider organizing an event like this in the next few weeks or months!

We want to send a clear message that the movement does not end with the closing of Chapman and Lownsdale parks. Let's share dinner with our neighbors, and discuss our future together. We hope to make this an action that other occupations can follow in response to crackdowns on the physical occupations.

A point on the closing of streets: This is to send a message. It is legal for neighbors to shut down their streets for block parties, if they apply for a permit and get the consent of every house on the block. There isn't enough time to do that before November 20th, and this action will be an intentional action of civil disobedience.

HOWEVER! The goal of our project is community outreach and dialogue. So unless you get the support of your whole block to close your street, please don't. Consider putting a sign on the side walk instead. We should push for this action, but remember it is just a point of emphasis. Getting communities talking is the important thing, and if some neighbors are reticent it is counterproductive to shut down the road against their wishes.

We recommend reaching out to your neighbors by saying you're definitely having a potluck at your house on Sunday, but if everyone agrees to a block party, you'll have a block party! Then get them to put their name down on a piece of paper if they support the block party idea.

If you encounter neighbors who are expressly against the occupy movement, be gentle. Tell them that you know there is a lot of controversy around Occupy. The point of the potluck is to get neighbors connecting on issues that bring them together, like community gardens and resource sharing, not to dwell on issues that divide us, like politics or wall street. Let them know their voice will be heard and respected!

Other details
The question on everybody’s mind is what’s next for Occupy Portland. We’re organizing neighborhood-level events all around Portland on Sunday, November 20th, to kick off Occupy My House and the next phase of the movement.

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The Take - Documentary Film Screening


  • Date: Thursday, November 24th, 2011
  • Time: 7 pm
  • Location: 310 SW 4th Ave, Conference Room (4th floor, behind elevators)
  • Rsvp: Alejandro
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This will be the second and final showing of this documentary.

There are exciting developments in the political map of our country. The Occupy movement continues to grow, and many of us are wondering how will this process evolve.

In Argentina, “Occupy” developed as a grass-root movement of workers taking over bankrupted factories and trying to figure out how to make them productive again. The movement succeeded in saving and creating thousands of jobs but, most importantly, it brought communities together.

Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis and folks at the National Film Board of Canada documented some of these stories in a film called “The Take”

Other details
The film lasts 87 minutes, and will be followed by conversation. You can watch the video online BUT, even better: come watch it with us!

This gathering is not intended to promote a pre-set view of occupation, but rather to bring us together and engage us in insightful dialogue. All views are welcome.

Hope you can make it.

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Action Committee Meetings are held every Monday and Thursday at 5:30PM.

Today's meeting is at the PSU Smith Center cafeteria in the SW corner behind the ladies restroom.

How to create a new Occupy Portland event For new events, read link or send information to: ActionCommitteePDX@googlegroups.com 
Please see the forum for notes on previous meetings, and discussions regarding actions. 

Next Week and Beyond

These events are more than seven days away, please jump to each event's page for more info.

Past Events

These events have come and gone, please add media links about the results of these events to their pages.

see also: PortlandOccupyPastEvents which includes earlier versions of some of these events.